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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev:

Amerindians in the Rupununi welcome President with open arms –show appreciation in song, dance





President Donald Ramotar being accorded traditional Amerindian welcome at Aishalton, Region Nine 


15, 2015


HINTERLAND students were yesterday urged to stay in school and pursue every educational opportunity, as education is the tool that will help them capitalise on developmental opportunities, and create enhanced access to a better quality of life.


Those few words of encouragement came from President Donald Ramotar when he visited Aishalton and Potarinau, two communities in the Rupununi, Region Nine.


* When the PNC was in power, they treated Amerindians like dirt.


*The PPP has treated Amerindians with the respect they deserve and in turn the Amerindian people have shown their loyalty to the PPP/civic.


* Poster stromborn is married to a black woman---he was rescued by that wonderful lady after no Indian or Amerindian woman wanted poor stormy---now we know why stormy is loyal to the black dominated PNC.


He was sternly warned to support the afro race or else he will be kicked out and will end up in the parks playing the guitar and panhandling for a living.

Just like the usual Naipaul noted...mimic men or half made men, lacking in imagination and reverting to comparison of their imprinting of caste that there are indeed sudras and it is not them!

Typical freeloader.

As I said, you have no other option but to pretend you are better. That is your lacking not mine.  Are you on welfare or on state aid etc that you seem to think all others are like you? I know you worked at the welfare office but did not know you are one of their clients.

A freeloader and an EBT card? It's like heaven. Never asked for a handout in 45 years in America. So don't worry about me, I am doing well and can do so without my wife's income.

Dont know what is an EBT card but since it is not an American express I do not have need for it.  Why dont you post a picture outside your window. I the winter and in the fall...and now is spring I can post another. Indeed I live in a park but where you need cash to live...again. Post a picture from outside your window today! I can.
