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Reply to "Raj Singh continues to play with the new Government"

Mr Singh has done an exceptional job since taking office.Many of his detractors such as those nimakharams in New Jersey and Queens aided by a two bit former estate owner in Guyana have been pushing fire even before it was officially announced that he was the new Guysuco's CEO.

Guysuco's problem is not the CEO but the culture of corruption that has existed since the Burnham days.A culture of rampant shakedown that starts with the poor canecutter who has to pay the field official to keep his work.Every payday you can see this shakedown at the payoffice.This type of shakedown goes right up to the estate managers who get the biggest dhare of the loot.Unless something is done to curb this criminal act then Guysuco will not progress .Similarly the procurement section need an overhaul.Many expensive line items  are for private use.Many items such as fertilisers,machinery and machine parts are ordered ans then resold back to Guysuco.Many expensive items such as fertiliser and machinery are further resold to the public.The finances of all of the estate managers need to be looked into for possible criminal practices.

Mr Singh has taken over from a set of extremely corrupt chairmen and CEOs.The previous executive used Guysuco to push his private business'How he acquired so much land and machinery while the CEO is questionable.Land acquired on Guysuco property,land in the rupununi ,going on supposedly Guysuco's business but later found was much to do with his private business interests.

Since Mr Singh  took over the mantle of a dysfunctional and corrupt corporation he has implemented new business structures and methods,has established new markets for sugar and contrary to moutars such as Tony Vieira and the aforementioned nemakharams in the US ,sugar production has increased,less work stoppage etc.

Nemhakarams such as Carpen,Jadopat and Soobrian the US have waged a war against Mr Raj Singh through their own attempt at commandeering the PPP supporters in the US.Sour grapes.

We own Potagee Vieira (one third) in Guyana with the help of stabroek new has also waged war against Mr Singh.He wants that job of CEO badly although his only claim to fame was a field man in a two bit estate.Given a chance he may one day tell Grainger that he can run President better.

Grainger better look out.


I hear the chief nemakhram saysing that he will close doen Guysuco but he was the man who told the sugar workers during the previous elections campaighn that he will increase their salaries by 30 percent.Talk about soup drinker.The man is shameless.No woner his own family didnt vote for him.

Close down Guysuco then what?.What will happen to all the thousands of low paid canecutters,people that get paid during the harvest season and use their money to tie them and family over for the rest of the year.

The same people who are shouting close Guysuco must remeber that although poor the canecutter community have produced many individuals that went on to become doctors and lawyers and shone in many other profesions.

Guysuco has a promising future but many issues need to be urgently addresses.

George DaSilva.

