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Reply to "Radical Islamic IDEOLOGY"

baseman posted:
Kari posted:

I say nuke Raqqa and elsewhere and use the same reasoning as we did in Hiroshima - to save lives by killing some lives. That will stop people asking whether Islam is a bogus religion or a violent ideology.

That's what I say, and Redux cuss me out.

What Kari refuses to understand is that after Raqqa is nuked the jihadis move on to some other target.   As far as most Westerners are concerned Arabs can kill each other if this is what they want. Just as they see no concern when Africans engage in similar slaughter.

But when people who claim to be operating on behalf of Islam start entering Westerns spaces and hurting them it becomes another story.

It isn't what is happening in the Middle East that can and will hurt Muslims living in Europe, and maybe even North America. Its what happens IN those countries, which will create a problem.

I don't hear Trump screaming that all Congolese should be banned from the USA, even as some of the worst brutality occurs in that tragic nation. He does scream that Muslims ought to be banned from entering the USA, and has seen his support INCREASE, after Paris and San Bernardino.  And of course as his support increases the media run like crack heads towards him, as if he is selling crack at a discount.
