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Reply to "Not a Sermon only a Thought"

Keith posted:


First, we must accept the truth that in and of ourselves, we are powerless to live out God’s will.


Why then would God in His 'infinite wisdom' create a will that we are powerless to live out? Is God not able to know the capabilities of his creation and set realistic goals and objectives? We see executives excel at setting goals and objectives all the time. What are they doing right that God is unable to do? If Jesus came on earth roughly 2000 years ago and man has been living on earth for hundreds of millions of years, why did God wait so long causing all those people to not 'know' Jesus? For this question, my explanation is much more reasonable than yours. God has been providing His creation with guidance and sustenance from the first creature He created and will do so until the last one. He sends people at different times and to different places as the need arises. Nonetheless, feel free to box yourself into Paul's doctrine.
