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Reply to "Nehru's Place"

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:

It's a little fuzzy.


Like Chief I was away for a couple of weeks, though in India - UP, Rajasthan, Gujurat, Mumbai, Kerala and Delhi. The Mughal influence is pervasive in the heritage sites. Kerala is like Guyana and with a lot of Christian churches. It was nice to be in the Gandhi Ashram.


Welcome back Kari.  I have this trip on my bucket list and I hope to cross it off soon.  My mother's Punjabi family are from Uttar Pradesh and my father's family is from Patna in Bihar.  I want to walk those streets and have a moment in history.

Any do's and don't's words of advice you would like to offer a first time traveler to India?  I know you have to get a visa!

  • Travel in the winter - skip the heat and monsoon rains at other times
  • The children begging at tourist sites is a business; at other times it's gut wrenching but there's only so much one person can do
  • Drink water only from bottled source. If you're going to eat street food it's got to be hot and cooked in front of you.
  • Watch the air pollution in New Delhi (today's NT Times has yet another article on the world's most polluted city - yes, even beating China's cities.
  • Lovely country to visit - from the historic sites to the rivers and hill stations and tea plantations. In addition to the Golden Triangel you must visit the South.

UP is a powerful State I was surprised to learn. One of these days I have to visit Bihar


More to come..........
