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My soul (IT) was fooled to dislike me

My soul was fooled to dislike me and that made her not help me in life. She operated in me and others, especially women. I didn't realize this until today when I asked a woman if she didn't feel secure in her room because she walks with bags of her belongings. She said why would I ask her that that it's none of my business as if she didn't want me to get to know IT or the spirit. Maybe IT didn't want me to know her. Don't let the evil fool you about me IT, I love you and we must work together to solve the social problems that I and you face with the devil and god. IT, work with my paranoia to solve the unknown problem and communicate with me. Don't pit whites against blacks. Blacks are descendants of Jesus and may have been originally white before Jesus' crucifixion. Maybe the whites are forced to lie about the truth because their feelings are reversed and are constantly trying to correct this with white lies because a direct association of mind and body is not being made; it is at a phase like the moon phases. It is possible that they are trying to join their minds with their bodies to feel in the flesh and they have to lie to establish a separation of time cancellation in between mind and body.

I think their feelings are a memory or are in memories and because they can't forget them they have to lie but they mean no harm. The devil may have made a deal and the whites can't eliminate the effects in life because their souls are displaced due to love. Love involves the soul and sodomy by the anti-Christ who I believe is the God we worship that put the hole in the MAN. Some of you may know the truth but you can't tell me because I would be liable for my thoughts and behavior in reality and they would be able to charge me with a crime with the paranoia I have if it applies to change reality in a harmful way.

I guess you have to use conjecture or hypothesis' to explain the unknown so you would not be liable for your information such as saying you know me--you tell me because I am not certain because I don't see the lie.


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My Video VP - 0018
Ronald Anthony Arjune
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