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Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

This dude is really good. No wonder Trump doesn't like him.


He is smart, no doubt, but he played politics with his position and resignation/termination.  He egged on and taunted Trump into firing him so he can get the exposure and platform for politiking, as he is doing now!

Only if refusing to aid and abet Trump's corruption in New York can be considered egging and taunting. 

He should have quietly resigned, as is the norm, and give Trump the opportunity to re-appoint him or someone of his (Trump's) choosing.  Instead he refused to resign and went on making critical comments on the president forcing the president to fire him making himself appear victim.  It was calculated politics!

As I said, that does not take away from the fact he is smart and intellectually deep and well accomplished!

A few things. People who bust their ass to get where they have gotten professionally don't and shouldn't have to quietly resign and throw away all that they have worked for. Secondly, I don't remember him commenting about Trump until after he was fired. Even after he was fired, he did not immediately comment about it. To my recollection, it was a few days later (a few days is an eternity in today fast moving news cycle) that he finally commented about his interactions with Trump. Trump fired Preet because he couldn't get Preet to assure him that he would look away from any of Trump's crookedness.
