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Jagdeo hiding from de polygraph.

Apr 19, 2017 Source-Dem Boys Seh

Parliament clear de way fuh de special unit to hunt all de property that some people thief. And is not three cents things some people tek and hide away, some in dem own name and some in dem wife and other family name.Dem have government house that suddenly become other people property. How de house change from government to ordinary people was easy. People just get dem friends in de registry to forge certain documents.

When Soulja Bai tek over from Donald he promise that all de corruption gun come to an end. De big problem was that he couldn’t find de law that would allow him to jail all of dem who thief de things. Some people pay a token fee fuh certain property and now it look like if dem gun have to pay de real price. And Jagdeo don’t like that.As soon as he hear certain people gun be searching fuh thiefing property he call dem dunce and geriatrics—that is a big word fuh feeble and forgetful old people. Well dem boys seh that dem same dunce and geriatrics gun drag him by his hanging parts.One of dem same dunce and geriatric people,Retemyer, tell Jagdeo that dem must have a polygraph test. Jagdeo tell de man he ain’t tekking no test wid no old man.

But when dem boys check de man younger than Gail, Luncheon, Donald, Rohee, Lumumba and Sam Hinds. Jagdeo can’t even see de geriatrics in he own group.He then seh that Retemyer and de rest of dem not qualified and how dem gun lost de wuk because is parliament got to appoint dem and dem can’t get no wuk wid no qualification. He gun be surprised when Retemyer keep de wuk fuh hound him.

De story ain’t done deh. Jagdeo tell dem boys how he can’t leh anybody write de questions to ask him fuh any polygraph. He, Jagdeo, gun write he own questions. Nobody can ask “Who was you wife?” “You ever lock she out de bedroom?” “You ever sign de marriage certificate?” and “Did you ever steal?”You can ask if he and Babbie are friends and if dem did hustle de Sanata complex. That is one of de property that SARA planning to tek back.

Talk half and watch how Jagdeo and he kavakamites gun start sweating.

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