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Reply to "Guyana will continue to suffer until we as a people finally realise that the two parties have wrecked our country and decide to eschew both."

Zed posted:

I think that Timothy should have said a pox on all three of them. Now, no one, except those who are financially benefitting from the AFC's inclusion in the government will ever trust a "Third Force".

i think that blame for Guyana's problems can be attributed to both major political parties, the and UF and now the AFC. One need not forget our colonial master who propagated a divide and rule strategy and the US  that encouraged and funded ethnic violence in Guyana. Furthermore, blame resides in those who mindlessly support the major parties because of race. I do believe that there are some that support the major political parties based on philosophy and other non racial reasons.  The racism that exists among all groups in Guyana (Carib please note the date so you can remember), including the Indo Guyanese and Afro Guyanese  exacerbates the problem of governance, national identity and consciousness,  and progress in Guyana. We will continue to be mired in race based politics long into the future because the hurts of the past become the basis for the hurts at the present and the future.

Too often, those who look through their ethnic lens 'see' or attribute racism by other groups without recognizing  the coded words they use and actions that implicitly and explicitly demonstrate their own racism. I despair for the future of Guyana.

Divide and Rule?

? could mean my ass.

That is a statement I NEVER HAVE AGREED WITH IN ALL MY YEARS since a lil boy.

Black ppl harboured hatred for Indians, NATURALLY. If anything the White man favored them more than the masses of indians. But the white man never come up and say that or put one race against the other.

The Blackman seys, the whiteman use coolies to lower his wages. He neglected to consider that the wages were since the putagees time, the Islanders time and free black americans time. Indians came way later and got the wages already established. 

I doan know weh all this divide and rule come from. I know, that was a regular cuss out (using Carl's word) for the British and the Empire. 

All dem Indians that join Forbes was the divide of coolie ppl and Forbes used dem for that purpose. Divide. Not Jagdeo's "Devide".
