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Reply to "‘Cyber-bully’ put on $200,000 bail"

Bibi Haniffa posted:

You are a dangerous idiot.  What do you know that Ann McLennan doesn't know?

Bibibski deh pon fiah calling me an idiot. hehehe

That Facebook post does not rise to the level of Chapter 23 of the Racial Hostility Act, which states thus: “A person shall be guilty of an offence if (he/she) willfully excites or attempts to excite hostility or ill-will against any section of the public or against any person on the grounds of their or his race, by means of words spoken by him in a public place, or spoken by him and transmitted for general reception by wireless telegraphy or telegraph; or by causing words spoken by him or by some other person to be reproduced in a public place from a record; or by means of written (including printed) matter or pictorial matter published by him.”
