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Reply to "Court rules in favour of wrongfully dismissed NBS boss – orders compensation"

antabanta posted:


You're joking... right? The use of the word "like" identifies the sentence as a simile which is a figure of speech while an analogy is a type of argument. Look it up online. In the meantime, if you're not too afraid, lets return to the discussion.

Provide documentation about these SOPs you're harping about and explain how does Arjoon's knowledge of the PoA make him a crook, considering he gained this knowledge by doing what YOU state he's required to do.

Clarify why the bank should not honor a Power of Attorney after it has been validated.

Provide documentation that banks require a PoA to be signed in the bank.

Provide some logical explanation, anything, about what makes me a thief.


I don't have any documentation with regards to Guyana, I can only speak from the US standpoint. You should know as you claim to have worked at NBS. Quite frankly this is to be expected from a 3rd world country where corruption is rampant, you seem comfortable in this skin.  Arjoon as a CEO should have been well aware of the farce of fly by night power of attorney as it is prevalent in Guyana.  Instead he was content to look the other way and let the 350K US be stolen. 

How do you know that the power of attorney was vetted? Did the grantor come in to the bank with the grantee and had this drawn up in the presence of Arjoon? If that being the case I apologize. 
