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Reply to "Another Guyanese"

antabanta posted:
Drugb posted:
antabanta posted:
Drugb posted:

The way these propagandist digging up these obscure stories about AfroG success stories, one gets the impression that only Afro Guyanese are making a name for themselves. Is this true?  Indians are abject failures and only Blacks are success stories?

Dude... you sound like my ex-wife, taking a perfectly simple issue and making it a drama scene. So to appease your sense of worth, we should only post success stories about Indians?

This is a pattern, the pnc apologists going on a PR campaign to show Afros in a positive light and Indians in a negative one.  All I am saying is that this is contrived and a deliberate effort to influence perception that Blacks are angels and Indos evil. This has been the position taken by d2, cain, django, pointblank and the other pnc apologists. 

The question is, are you capable of approving of any post about any successful black person. Is there any post about successful blacks that you will not consider a PR campaign? Do you think the same way about posts about successful Indians?

I do,  read the recent post about the Guyanese Black who I gave kudos. What is being questioned here is the perception being given that Indians are worthles and Blacks are achievers.  Those racist CaribJ and d2 were peddling the myth for years that IndoGs from RH were rum drinkers and wife beaters while AfroGs achieved distinction.
