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Animals are Sacred. Homosexuals are NOT.

So often people treat animals like dirt, or better yet, like jackass. They would beat them and work them and make them into animal slaves. But take a close look at their sexual or mating life, you will see that they mate with the opposite sex. They have offspring, give birth without doctors or nurses, and care for their young with animal love. They say humans are the highest intelligent being on earth, so we should understand animal unusual behavior without any interpretation to label them as gay. 


Gays on the other hand go against every sacred rules to engage in same sex intercourse, knowingly it's a sin to penetrate another man's shit box and called it love. For Lesbians, Bisexual, Transgender, Cross-dressers...these folks are curable according to scientific studies. This is just a lifestyle of curiosity.  


I am gay and I serve my country. Don't ask, don't tell policy?

Father, bring fire and brimstone on earth soon. 


When are we going to have babies of our own?


Happy family life the way it was meant to be. Heterosexual family have been downgraded, while government promotes Sodom and Gomorrah.

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